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Counselors Of Real Estate, Chicago

The Counselors of Real Estate is the membership organization established exclusively for real estate advisors who provide intelligent, unbiased, and trusted advice for a client or employer.

The Counselors of Real Estate is the membership organization established exclusively for real estate advisors who provide intelligent, unbiased, and trusted advice for a client or employer. Founded in 1953, the organization serves 1, 100 members worldwide, all who hold the "CRE" credential. CREs are linked to one another by their commitment to integrity, competence, community, trust, and service ; and they adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice. The purpose of the organization is to serve as an information resource and to provide its members with opportunities for professional development, knowledge sharing, and networking, all grounded in a culture of camaraderie. Membership in the organization is awarded by invitation only through peer, employer and client review. To be considered for membership, applicants demonstrate that: The Counselors of Real Estate owns numerous trademark registrations, including registrations of the CRE credential. These registrations cover both the exclusive right of our members to use the CRE credential to indicate membership in the association as well as the provision of networking, consultation, provision of business and financial information and educational services and publications, all relating to real estate.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Counselors Of Real Estate in Chicago you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1953

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 Address: 430 N Michigan Ave, (Near Near North Side, Central Chicago and Magnificent Mile)
60611, Chicago, Illinois

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Counselors Of Real Estate in other states:

Bonaire, GA (Georgia), Chicago, IL (Illinois)

Category of Counselors Of Real Estate:


mediator, real estate, membership, counseling, advisor, trusted, land, arbitrator, couneslors
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